To register a trademark , go to the U. Look up a trade mark to see if something identical or similar to your brand is already registered. File and register your trademark to protect your business name or product name. Applying to register a trademark is simple and affordable with LegalZoom.
Protect your trade marks and designs in the European Union. If you are using a trademark or service mark internationally, protect it by registering it internationally using the Madrid Protocol. As an entrepreneur you invest time, energy and money in your company. You build up a good name, creating economic value.
Is your idea, invention or brand available? Before applying for your intellectual property right, you should do a comprehensive search to make . Prior to applying for a trade mark it is worthwhile searching for identical or similar marks that have already been registered or applied for. Search for existing trade marks - this information is intended as a guide only. For legal advice we recommend that you contact a patent attorney or lawyer who is . The benefits of registering a trade mark include:.
This means you have a wider range of options to overcome potential barriers to registration. Before you apply to register a trade mark , please ensure that it is eligible for registration. Does your trade mark meet the registration criteria?
The database contains basic details of pending trademark applications and valid registrations in Finlan in total of some 17000 . Get a free trademark search and . Registering a trademark for a company name is pretty straightforward. Refresh Verification Code. A registered trade mark gives you the exclusive legal right to use, license or sell your goods or services in Australia. Find out how to register a . What do I need to consider before applying to register a trade mark ? Your IP protection strategy.
How can I apply to register my trade mark ? Registration of your trade mark gives you the exclusive right to use the mark on the goods or services for which it is registered. Follow the step-by-step process to file your new or revised trademark application. You could sue anyone else who . Consult our list of trademark agents should you wish to hire a registered. Essential is that the trademark has distinguishing characteristics. Examples of a trademark are word marks or device marks, such as the name Shell or its logo.
Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and . Through this portal, the Commerce Department is making available databases where you may browse the local trade marks and design register. How to apply to register a trademark in the Hong Kong SAR? Register your trade mark with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), to prevent your competitors from using it. Prevent high costs and keep others from using your name by registering your trademark in the Benelux, European Union or worldwide.
A trademark registration confers on the trademark owner the exclusive right to the use of a trademark in relation to specific goods and services. Trademark registration ?
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