What happens if my trademark registration is audited? A trademark is a brand name for your business, containing a short phrase and usually a logo that sets your company apart from others. File and register your trademark to protect your business name or product name.
Look up a trade mark to see if something identical or similar to your brand is already registered. Trademark registration ?
Prevent high costs and keep others from using your name by registering your trademark in the Benelux, European Union or worldwide. Register your trademark. A registered trade mark gives you the exclusive legal right to use, license or sell your goods or services in Australia. Find out how to register a . Have you ever wondered what a trademark is, or whether you need one for your business? Our expert shares how and why you should register.
Learn all about registering a trademark for your ecommerce business in the United States.
The trade mark for your . File trademark registration application online through IndiaFilings in less than hours at just Rs. Get a free trademark search and . As a manufacturer, you can register your brand with Amazon.