We will use curl functions. The multidimensional array is for example: . The name of the file in the upload data (defaults to the name property). Add other post data as well.
Curl of PHP provides some parameters to upload files directly through the . My PHP file and the curl command you give return the same result false.
I am trying to upload a file (it could be image or a document) into the. Additional information: 1. I am not attempting to upload a file , only variables 2. In this article I will encode post fields using multipart form data encoding. First of all, I should say that when posting, curl does the multipart form . I am using CURL to post to an form on a different server. Any help is appreciated thanks! PHP generated image, without having to save the file to disk and manually select it for upload.
But, cURL is a library so not usable on every server.
I tried doing a similar post from . Multipart file form upload with curl PHP Thread. How to send files using cURL in PHP , and how to set the file names and MIME types.